There are several ways you can help support Ambassador Christian Academy through volunteering.
Memlok Volunteers: Our K-6th grade students have Memlok several times per week. Teachers need volunteers to listen while the students recite their memorized verses. If interested in helping, please inquire with your student's K-6th grade teachers as to what time and day you may help. This is a great way to get to know all the children in the classroom!
Math Facts: K-6th grade students practice math facts with flash cards. Teachers need volunteers to help the students go through the flashcards until they have mastered them and can take a test.
Afterschool Clubs: Throughout the school year parents may have an opportunity to help with organizing, chaperoning, and participating in afterschool events or clubs.
We are always open to adding clubs and events for our students. If you would like to recommend and/or facilitate an afterschool club, please let us know.

Mrs. White would appreciate your help in the lunch room and on the playground. It’s a great way to get to know the students at the school and be a light in our community. Please contact the school office if you are willing and able to serve our community this way!