Our Elementary students attend classes in Bible, Memlok and Bible drills, Mathematics, Literature, Composition, Grammar and Spelling, History, Science, Dime, and Physical Education. Throughout each week there are additional classes which include Spanish, Choir/Handbells, and Art.

Bible for elementary students continues what was being done in primary. It centers around reading through books of the Bible together. There is much lively discussion followed by writing in their Bible journals. We use a systematic Bible memory system called Memlok. Memory verses are grouped around topical studies. Verses are reviewed several times per week. Students also participate in Bible Drills where they are quizzed by their teacher on memorization of topics such as the Ten Commandments, ten plagues, and the disciples, etc.
Either Saxon or Horizons math are used at the elementary level. Each lesson involves doing a speed drill, mental math, learning a new math concept, and reviewing previous concepts. The goal is to master each concept before moving on to the next.
Students read literature from grade-level lists of classic children’s literature. Comprehension is evaluated through oral discussions with the teacher, book reports, and study guide questions.
Grammar is studied through the Easy Grammar System through Daily Grams workbooks. It provides a thorough understanding of parts of speech, capitalization, and punctuation rules. It also includes vocabulary development in each lesson.
We write many friendly letters, essays, reports, poetry, and short stories. Students learn how to write outlines as well as edit their writing. Each spring we have a speech contest that all elementary students participate in.
Elementary students study world history using The Story of the World and Bob Jones University curriculum. Students read the lessons and answer questions. There are many supplemental books used as well. Students enjoy many extra activities such as videos, games, and puppet shows to enhance their learning.
Elementary Spanish students will participate in Spanish class twice a week where they will learn basic questions, greetings, and vocabulary. Each student will work on learning vocabulary with flashcards and their Carson Dellosa Spanish books. Students will also expand their listening skills to the sounds of the Spanish language as they listen to stories in Spanish and try to translate them.
Elementary students study science using Apologia which is a creation-based curriculum. Topics studied include anatomy and physiology, astronomy, chemistry, and physics. Each chapter includes many enjoyable experiments and projects that are done as a class.
Our DIME program is designed to build thinking skills using geometry as well as enhance math and art skills. Students create specific patterns using geometric blocks. It is self-paced and requires manipulation of cube blocks to build increasingly difficult shapes. They are then taught to draw the 3d shapes.